Kalam's World Record

We are humble and proud to announce that our student Nishvin Dinesh Kurrr of Grade 1 'B 'have participated in "KALAM'S WORLD RECORD" and in Indian books of Records. He have given his best in all the categories : Drawn the world map, Recited and located the countries of the world in the world map. Identified countries flag Wrote 40 various species of Dinosaurs. Drawn the India map and located the states and capitals of our country. Played a keyboard of 3 tunes Solved 3 x3 Rubik's cube. By performing in these categories he nailed a majestic record in kalam's World Record dated on 26.05.2021 and showed his extraordinary level of talent and won the Indian Books of Records dated on June 21, 2021at the age of 5 years 9 months. It's a honor for us to appreciate our highly talented child to reach more heights in his life. He is the standing example for the quote" sky is the limit ". Congratulations to make all of us proud....keep up the momentum