Policies and Regulations

Aksharam International School has an excellent team of teachers, mentors and trainers. Teachers are well qualified and experienced. They are energetic, active, optimistic and ever willing to walk the extra mile. The school also has excellent trainers of Karate, Yoga, Football, Basket ball, Cricket, Dance, Music etc. Our teachers are all computer savvy and handle the multimedia with ease and elan. Teachers are sent for different workshops. Educationists and trainers are invited to our school to conduct workshops. In this way, Aksharam aims to have well educated, confident teachers who can care for the generation next.

For smooth and effective functioning of our system, the management has framed a few rules and regulations to be adhered which will ensure effective education for children.


  • Regular attendance is insisted upon during a term is not permissible except under special circumstances.
  • Reasons for absence must be clearly mentioned in the leave record of the school diary and a written leave letter should be submitted to the class teacher.
  • If leave is claimed for more than three days on the account of illness, a medical certificate must be attached to the application.
  • In case the student has to miss a scheduled assessment, please discuss the reason for absence with the coordinator well in advance.
  • Absence during test will be viewed very seriously if prior permission is not obtained. Leave letters and Medical certificates produced as excuse will not be accepted. Retest will not be conducted.
  • No leave will be granted to students on the days when there are school functions like Sports Day and National festivals.
  • Once a child has come to school he / she should not be taken back home or leave without prior permission.
  • All leave applications must be signed by the parent / guardian. The applications must reach the Class Teacher at least a day in advance. It must have the sanction of the Head of the Institution.
  • If the child wants to avail Medical Leave, application must be with a Medical certificate issued by a Competent Medical Authority.
  • Student with 100% attendance will be awarded a Certificate of Appreciation.
  • Discipline is expected as it is an integral part of any learning process. Refined manners, obedience and order, neatness and punctuality are required at all times.
  • Students should be polite and courteous. They should greet their teachers and elders when they meet them. Bullying, unruly behavior and petty theft will attract stern disciplinary action.
  • Instances of misbehavior on the part of the student will be recorded, counselled and parents will be informed.
  • Students shall be responsible for the safe custody of their belongings. Books, Water bottles, School bags and other stationery must bear the owner’s name.
  • Students must take care of the school property. Care must be taken to keep the building clean. Graffiti on the walls or furniture and vandalism of school property is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Students who fail to adhere to this rule will be issued Transfer Certificate IMMEDIATELY.
  • Students must keep their classrooms neat and clean. They should switch off all electrical gadgets before leaving the classroom.
  • No expensive personal item or sum of money should be brought to the school. This also applies to the mobile phones, which are not allowed in the school premises. If found, they would be confiscated and never returned. Damage, even accidentally done, should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the supervisor. Any damage done will be tested by the one who is responsible for it.
  • Shouting, misbehaving, whistling and quarrelling is strictly prohibited in the campus.
  • Students should use dustbins provided and not litter the premises.
  • No books other than the text books or the library books to be brought to the school without the permission of the Head of the school.
  • Students are advised to deposit the articles found in the school with the Principal.
  • Student cannot be called to the phone during the school hours. No student is allowed to use the school telephone(except in emergency).
  • Presents or gifts to the teachers are not allowed on any occasion.
  • Any student found outside the school premises during school hours without permission will be suspended for at least one week. Any repetition of this offence will result in expulsion of the student from the school.
  • Students will be counselled following instances of minor acts of indiscipline, and will be issued a warning letter and parents will be notified of the same.
  • Students may be required to take part in various co-curricular and extra curricular activities even outside school hours. When so required, participation will be deemed compulsory.
  • Each Student’s safety is a major concern of the school. Therefore the following should be strictly observed.
  • Parents are advised to inform the Principal about any problem they may be facing regarding their children, keeping in mind that it is only with sincerity and openness of the parents that the school will be able to help their child to become a well adjusted person with a strong character. Needles to say that disclosures made will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
  • Students will wear the identity card with the school uniform.
  • Parents need to check the diary of your child regularly.
  • Remarks given by the teachers for any specific reason should be carefully read and duly countersigned.
  • Above all, the mutual interaction of parents with the school is a must to build a healthy and secure environment, to enable the child to adjust in the best possible manner.
  • The school emphasize on “Uniform Formalities” to a great extent. Students are expected to respect the school uniform and are compulsorily required to attend the school, wearing proper uniform on all the working days.
  • The uniform for games and sports must be worn on the days specified.
  • Students of all classes must be neatly dressed, with their nails cliped and shoes neatly polished.
  • Boys are expected to maintain short, trimmed hair. Girls are expected to come in single / double plaits. Fancy clips, nail polish, ornaments, bangles and anklets are not allowed in school. Students should always come to school in proper uniform.
  • The school uniform to be worn on all working days and for all public functions.
  • Students must wear their ID cards at all times in school and in the school bus. The loss of the ID card must be reported to the class teacher. A new one will be issued on payment of Rs. 100/-
  • Bus facility is extended to all children.

  • Children need to remain seated in the bus at all times and not to put their limbs or head out of the bus. They must talk softly and listen to the bus attendant.

  • Children misbehaving in the bus will be barred or suspended from using this facility.

  • Students must report to the stop a few minutes before the schedulded time.

  • During the return journey, in case parent /guardian is not present at the stop, the child will be brought back to school. It is then the responsibility of the parent / guardian to pick up the child.

  • If the child has to go to a place other than the normal one, a note from the parents must be sent to the school, requesting permission and stating the reasons for the child to go to a different address after school.

  • Students must maintain silence & discipline inside the library.

  • Books are issued to the students during the library period as mentioned in their time table. The same is recorded in the ‘Library Record’ in the diary.

  • Books are issued only for 15 days.

  • Students can keep the books during vacation (or) holidays but it must be returned within two days of school re-opening.

  • In case the book is lost, immediately the matter should be reported to the librarian, and their instruction should be followed to cover the loss.

  • Students are allowed in the labs only during practicals.

  • If any equipment is broken or damaged by the student, the cost will be recovered from the student concerned.

  • These are organized for the enrichment of the students during the school year. Though every precaution will be taken for the safety of the child, it is to be understood that parents can’t hold the school responsible for any mishaps.

  • Students are permitted to come in decent civil dress on their Birthday and join the choir in the morning assembly that will be hosted by the school.

  • The students may donate a book to the library.

  • Exchange of gifts will not be allowed. Pupil may bring Peanut burfi, Coconut burfi, Sesame balls or Dry fruit balls for distribution among classmates.